2024 Carol Mortensen Award Winners
Awarded November 12, 2024 at the Upper Midwest Invasive Species Conference, held in Duluth, MN
Lifetime Achievement Award: Roger Becker, University of Minnesota
The lifetime achievement award is being awarded to Roger Becker in recognition of a lifetime of contribution to invasive species management. Roger Becker is an Extension Agronomist, Weed Scientist, and Professor at the University of Minnesota. He was appointed in 1987 and throughout his career has provided leadership on invasive plant issues and has conducted needed research. He is key in bringing invasive species management advice and herbicide recommendations to practitioners. Roger’s work has provided foundational scientific information for recommendations for management activities including both herbicide and biocontrol management techniques. Roger’s passion for the field is evident and he is great at sharing his enthusiasm for the subject with others. As a professor he has mentored students in the fields of invasive species and weed management. He has worked on a wide range of invasive plants including purple loosestrife, common buckthorn, garlic mustard, Canada thistle, and Japanese knotweed. Roger conducted research that directly led to better invasive plant management. His recent research on knotweed management is one example. He conducted herbicide trials and examined how knotweeds handle carbohydrate resources in response to treatment. This research directly resulted in updating management recommendations in outreach materials. Throughout his career, Roger has generously shared his extensive knowledge and experience about noxious and invasive plant management with educators, researchers, the public, land managers, and policy makers.
Lifetime Achievement Award: Dave Hanson, Minnesota Department of Transportation
The lifetime achievement award is being awarded to Dave Hanson in recognition of a lifetime of contribution to invasive species management. Dave is a natural resources program coordinator with the Minnesota Department of Transportation’s (MnDOT) Roadside Vegetation Management Unit. Dave has been an instrumental leader in the coordination and representation of MnDOT in interagency collaborative efforts for noxious weed eradication. He developed the state book for noxious weed identification when he first joined MnDOT: “Minnesota Noxious Weeds”. Over time the noxious weed book has expanded and now includes 96 species of plants (noxious weeds and their native and non-native look-a-likes). Dave is an excellent photographer and has included imagery from his collection. The summarized information in the Noxious Weed Book has proved to be instrumental in the long-term successes of integrated vegetation management in Minnesota. He has also developed additional identification guides to highlight difficult plant families including: carrot (Apiaceae family), honeysuckles (Lonicera), bittersweet (Celastrus), and knapweeds (Centaurea). Dave also developed guides for working safely around dangerous noxious weeds which are utilized daily by maintenance staff. Dave is well known for his knowledge on plant identification and is frequently called upon by peer groups as an identification expert for plants that have been recorded into EDDMapS. He works with local maintenance staff to rapidly respond and control new unwanted plant species along MnDOT controlled roadsides. His dedication over his career has enhanced Minnesota’s invasive species efforts.
Individual Achievement Award: Sharon Natzel
The individual achievement award is being awarded to Sharon Natzel in recognition of her leadership on aquatic invasive species prevention. Sharon has been an invaluable resource for Hubbard County and beyond in helping to make connections and encourage partnerships in aquatic invasive species work. She has served on both her lake association board as well as on the Hubbard County Coalition of Lake Associations (HCCOLA) board. She is keen to make connections that amplify efforts. For example, as president of the HCCOLA she saw lake association financial contributions add 7,500 inspections to efforts in place by Hubbard County. She has been a key connection point in coordinating annual Starry Trek early detection events in Hubbard County by leading a local training site herself, coordinating with Hubbard County on hosting, and as a participant. She builds on these statewide early detection events as well by organizing and supporting local early detection events in Hubbard County. Sharon has served as a key connection point for new research efforts at the University of Minnesota, like Zebra Mussel Safari, where her coordination across her lake association and with UMN staff and students has been instrumental to the development of this new participatory science project over several years of pilot efforts. Sharon’s leadership and enthusiasm is recognized and appreciated.
Team Achievement Award: Ely Community Resource – Water Project
The team achievement award is being awarded to the Ely Community Resource – Water Project for their example in voluntary leadership. Ely Community Resource (ECR) started the ECR Water Project in 2016 and it is an ongoing program to this day. This unique program provides enriching, immersive, and authentic opportunities for youth to engage with natural resource issues and investigate the natural world around them. The purpose of these opportunities is to instill understanding and care for the environment. By so doing, the ECR Water Project also empowers youth advocacy, leadership, skill building, curiosity, and further scientific inquiry. The middle and high school aged participants play a significant role in aquatic invasive species surveying and management in the Ely Area and have shared their knowledge and interest by writing newspaper articles, volunteering at outreach events, and educating younger participants. The elementary aged participants experience a series of stream studies throughout the summer in which they learn about markers of healthy streams, macroinvertebrates, and aquatic invasive species. Julie Hignell and Jill Swanson, who have both been involved with the development and leadership of the ECR Water Project, are continuously engaging with local partners and community members to understand and meet the needs for AIS work in the area. They incorporate new research and emerging issues into the programming and promote service learning and leadership for their students. The Ely Community Resource Water Project has sustained meaningful activities and is appreciated for their efforts and initiatives.
Previous Carol Mortensen Invasive Species Management Award Recipients
2022 Award Winners
Lifetime Achievement Award
Randy Schindle
Individual Achievement Award
Julie Bohnen
Team Achievement Award
Sisters of Saint Francis – Environmental Committee
2020 Award Winners
Lifetime Achievement Award
Steve Chaplin
Individual Achievement Award
Bill Grantges
Team Achievement Award
Rapid Response and Early Detection Team (R2ED), Three Rivers Park District
2018 Award Winners
Lifetime Achievement Award
Chip Welling
Individual Achievement Award
John and Mary Peterson
Team Achievement Award
Southeast Minnesota Rapid Responders
2016 Award Winners
Lifetime Achievement Award
John Barten
Individual Achievement Award
Jean Wagenius
Team Achievement Award
Minnesota Master Naturalist Program
2014 Award Winners
Lifetime Achievement Award
Jay Rendall
Individual Achievement Award
Barbara Spears
Team Achievement Award
MN Army National Guard Camp Ripley and St. Cloud State University
2012 Award Winners
Individual Achievement Award
Marsha Watland
Team Achievement Award
Forest Pest First Detector Program
2010 Award Winners
Individual Achievement Award
Tom Jacobson
Team Achievement Award
Wildlife Forever
2008 Award Winners
Lifetime Achievement Award
Bonnie Harper-Lore
Individual Achievement Award
David Ragsdale