MISAC Ratings of Invasive Species of Concern to Minnesota


In 2019, the Minnesota Invasive Species Advisory Council (MISAC) led this effort to compile lists of invasive species of concern to Minnesota.  This is an extensive list covering multiple taxa.  The seven taxa categories are aquatic animals, aquatic microbes, aquatic plants, terrestrial animals, terrestrial insects, terrestrial pathogens, and terrestrial plants.  Taxa teams compiled existing lists of problematic or potentially problematic invasive species developed for Minnesota or the Midwest. 

For each species it was noted if the species was present in Minnesota as of 2019, its risk of spread, its level of potential threat to human health, the physical environment, ecological impacts, economies, and infrastructure, as well as the difficulty of management.  The final lists describe 230 invasive species present in Minnesota, 103 invasive species present but not established in Minnesota, and 268 invasive species not known to be present in Minnesota, but of concern to Minnesota. 

These lists do not identify all the invasive species that occur, or could occur, in the state.  These are educational and informational lists that can be used by managers, policy makers, researchers, and other interested parties.